REMS and DeepSpec workshop, livestream talks
The REMS+DeepSpec workshop organized jointly by the EPSRC project REMS: Rigorous Engineering for Mainstream Systems (Cambridge, Imperial, and Edinburgh, UK) and the NSF Expedition in Computing “The Science of Deep Specification” (US) was held on Mon 15 - Tue 16 Jun 2020.
The two-day workshop, part of PLDI 2020, combined in-depth presentations by members of the two projects with invited talks by external experts, and general talks. The program and list of talks can be found here.
You can also see the livestream of the talks for Monday and Tuesday on YouTube. Philippa’s talk, on Gillian: a Multi-language Platform for Program Correctness and Incorrectness can be found on the link here or below from 2:14:50.